Approved Website

Approved Website
I want to show you how Scentsy can change your life! Whether you just want to make your home smell fresh and beautiful or you'd like to change your financial position, I'm here to help you and share the tools which have helped me reach this position in such an incredibly short amount of time.

Monday, January 31, 2011

February JOIN Special

JOIN Scentsy during the month of February and recive BOTH the Fall/Winter & the Spring/Summer Catalogs and Party Testers!!! This means you’ll receive 103 Testers instead of 80 and 100 catalogs instead of 50. Then as of March 1st the 23 discontinued Testers are great to sell, give away as Hostess Gifts, or make samples with. The out of date catalogs (provided you have any left after your lunch party) are a great advertising tool with a simple label stating the catalog is out of date, but here’s how to get a CURRENT one!!

All of this and much, much more for the low price of $99 (plus S&H and Tax)! It's a total savings of over $150!! Plus, you'll get everything you need to get your business started.  If you’re not familiar with the starter kit and ALL its contents with unlimited potential, contact me today for more information.

What a great way to get your business off the ground and earring you extra money! I can even help you get your launch party going before you even get your starter kit. While I cannot gaurantee your earnings, I am comfident, that if you follow my advise, you'll be able to make your initial investment of $99 back within your first month.

Visit my website at https://TiffanyGabel.Scentsy.US/ for more information or to contact me directly. I look forward to hearing from you soon!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Fundraising Events

Wanting to go beyond the traditional fundraiser at your child’s school or with extracurricular activities, support a cause or charity you see worthy, or raise money for parochial sponsored events??
Break Tradition with a Scentsy Fundraising event!!!

Enjoy 80+ Scentsy Fragrances!! Scentsy Wickless Candles are wickless, flameless, smokeless, and lead free. 
·         The exclusive Scentsy wax bar is melted in one of our unique decorative warmers by a low-watt light bulb. 
·         Scentsy Wickless Candles are safer, stronger, and longer lasting than wicked candles.  
·         All scents come in Scent Circles, Room Sprays, Scentsy Bars and Scentsy Bricks! 
·         Some scents come in Fragrance Foams, Travel Tins, and Scent Packs.

Pick out warmers, bars, stuffed buddies, car fresheners and MORE!
Perfect for any occasions and great for everyday use!

The donation will be made by the 15th of month, following the close of the fundraiser and paid according to the table below:

Total Sale Amount
(before tax and shipping, if applicable)
% of Sales Donated
Potential Donation
Less than $999.99
$30 to $200
$1,000.00 - $1,999.99
$250 to $500
$2,000.00 plus
$600 or more!

Total Sales must reach $150 in order for donation to be made
Prizes for individual top sellers and or groups can also be accommodated!
FREE SHIPPING if the total order is delivered to the organization for distribution

Think about this scenario: A youth Baseball Team, with 12 players, wants to raise money for some new equipment and uniforms. 
If each youth sold 3 full-sized Scentsy Systems at $40 each,
The Total Sales Amount would be $1,440.00
a grand total of $360 would be donated!!

See how easy and beneficial a Scentsy Fundraising Event is!!

If you want more information or are ready to get your fundraiser started today, contact Tiffany Gabel at or (913) 708-2725.  You may also visit my website at https://TiffanyGabel.Scentsy.US .

Scentsy Samples

Last night I made up samples of Embers, Silhouette, and Silver Bells.  If you are interested in receiving FREE samples, contact me via my website at with your Scent Choice and I'll drop it in the mail to you!!