April Scentsy Buddy Contest
Official Rules for Scentsy Contest through April 30, 2011:
1) You must find my Mrs. Wickless facebook fan page and “Like” the page
2) You must make a comment on this blog post telling me which Scentsy Buddy and Scent Pack is your favorite and why. These will be the items you’ll win if you’re chosen as the random winner.
3) Qualifications:
a. This contest is open to residents of the Unites States only.
b. Scentsy Consultants are NOT eligible to win.
c. No Purchase necessary to win
d. If you do not follow BOTH rules 1 & 2 you will be disqualified.
4) Winners are selected by Random.org and qualified entries are selected at the sole discretion of Mrs. Wickless.
Want to earn EXTRA ENTRIES to WIN!?!
1) You must meet the qualification above to qualify for additional entries.
2) Comment on a blog post on MrsWickless.blogspot.com. Your comment must reflect that you’ve actually read the blog post in order to qualify. You’ll receive 1 additional contest entry per qualified comment. You may comment on as many posts as you like.
3) Do you have a website or blog? If so, put a link from your site back to https://TiffanyGabel.Scentsy.US and email me the link. You’ll be given 5 additional entries for this action.
Please contact me with any questions at MrsWickless@gmail.com. Visit me online any time at https://TiffanyGabel.Scentsy.US
Ollie the Elephant & Camu Camu would be my picks. I would give the Scent Buddy & Scent Pak to my adorable new nephew to grow up with and love.
I like the Monkey and I like Red Candy Apple. I'm jealous of my two boys' who have one and I want one for myself. (Kristen C)
I love RIBBERT the frog!!! I would give it to LeighAnn she loves to sleep with a stuffed animal!!
- Sabrina R.
The pig without a doubt. Camu Camu scent. My Little Man loves pigs as does his Nana and Aunt Dani. Pig wins hands down over the others.
Pam H
I would LOVE to have Ollie the Elephant and my all time favorite scent is black raspberry vanilla! This would be perfect for my daughter to take when she has visitation with her father so she's reminded of home!
My daughter LOVES monkeys...or as she calls them EE-EE-AH-AHS! I love the french lavendar as it reminds me of when I was pregnant with my daughter...lavender oil for relaxation was very important! Ceresa Schaffer
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